Wednesday, February 14, 2007

What was I thinking?

I always have sewing projects in various stages of completion laid out on the bed in my sewing room. The one that has bothered me the most began with a kit from Great American Quilt Factory. I saw it on their web site and thought it might be something I would like to try. It was called "Christmas Pickle". When the kit arrived I looked at the fabrics and nearly fainted. This would certainly take me out of my box. The colors were every shade of green from lime to barnyard, torquoise, fuscia, pink, red, purple. The pattern was a paper-pieced pickle dish in a one-quarter format and lots of pinwheels. I sewed on it for a while, then it became burried by other projects. Those other projects eventually were completed and the pickle dish reappeared in unfinished splendor. The last few days I have been determined to finish the pickle dish so I can get that green mess off my bed. I showed a finished row to my husband and he nearly fainted. "You paid money for those fabrics?" he said. What was I thinking?

I just remembered, I have to "tag" someone and I have nobody to tag. Does that mean I remain "it" for the rest of my life with my unusual hobbies?


Christi said...

Yeah! Welcome to blogworld. I am so glad you joined us. I can't wait to see the pickle. I pulled out my Wuthering Heights block of the month. It's been almost a year since I touched it. I had to do some unpicking last night because I couldn't remember just how I had it last and it wasn't working out right with the corner stones and such. Oh well. I hope it turns out and gets finished soon.

Lyssa said...

Grandmama! Don't you know, your granddaughter Lyssy Loo has ALSO joined the blogworld? Wow we are soo cool aren't we? I like it. Hehe I hope me and Pam can come stay soon. I love you!